This is a book list written and published by the late, great, John Senior. I am simply republishing it here for your convenience and enjoyment. If you would like to read John Senior’s introduction and explanation of this catalogue, you can find it in the appendix of his book The Death of Christian Culture, linked here.
THE NURSERY (Ages 2 – 7)
Literary experience begins for very young children with someone reading aloud while they look at the pictures. But they can begin to read the simplest stories which they already love at an early age.
Aesop’s Fables (The translation by Robert L’Estrange is the classic)
Andersen, Hans Christian
Christine’s Picture Book
A Christmas Greeting: A Series of Stories
Fairy Tales
Arabian Nights (There are two classic translations, one expurgated for children by Andrew Lang, the other complete by Richard Burton)
Belloc, Hilaire
The Bad Child’s Book of Beasts
Caldecott, Randolph
Picture Books, 16 little volumes (published by Frederick Warne)
Collodi, Carlo (Carlo Lorenzini)
Carroll, Lewis (preferably illustrated by Tenniel)
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
De la Mare, Walter
Come Hither (the best anthology of poetry for “children of all ages”)
Songs of Childhood.
Edgeworth, Maria
The Parent’s Assistant
Moral Tales
Ewing, Juliana
Gesta Romanorum (Translated by Swann [scholarly facsimiles])
Grahame, Kenneth
Wind in the Willows
Greenaway, Kate (Frederick Warne)
Apple Pie
Birthday Book
Marigold Garden
Mother Goose
Under the Window
The Language of Flowers
Household Stories (Illustrated by Walter Crane [Dover facsimiles])
Harris, Joel Chandler
Uncle Remus
Kingsley, Charles
Water Babies
Kipling, Rudyard
Just So Stories
Jungle Book
Lamb, Charles
Beauty and the Beast
Tales from Shakespeare
Lang, Andrew
Blue Book of Fairies and other colors — five volumes (best illustrated by H.J. Ford [Dover facsimile])
Lear, Edward
ABC (illustrated by Lear)
Nonsense Omnibus (Illustrated by Lear [Warnel]).
The Pobble Who Has No Toes
The Quangle Wangles Hat
Lofting, Hugh
Dr. Doolittle’s Circus and others in the series
Milne, A.A.
Winnie the Pooh
The House at Pooh Corner
Now We Are Six
Once On a Time
Prince Rabbit
Mother Goose (Dover facsimiles – illustrated by Rackham; Viking Press)
Perrault, Charles
Fairy Tales (Illustrated by Dore [Dover])
Potter, Beatrix:
Peter Rabbit and 23 little volumes, ll illustrated by Potter
Stevenson, Robert Louis
A Child’s Garden of Verses (Scribner’s)
SCHOOL DAYS (Ages 7 – 12)
Adams, Andy
Cattle Brands
Log of a Cowboy (Illustrated by N.C. Wyeth)
The Outlet
Why the Chisholm Trail Forks, and other tales of the cattle country
Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women
Little Men
Jo’s Boys, and how they turned out
Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag (6 vols.)
An Old Fashioned Girl
Eight Cousins; or, The Aunt Hill
A Free Bed
Rose in Bloom (a sequel to Eight Cousins)
Flower Fables
Hospital Sketches, and Camp and Fireside Stories
Jack and Jill; a Village Story
Lulu’s Library (3 vol. collection of stories)
On Picket Duty
Silver Pitchers and Independence, a Centennial Love Story
Spinning-Wheel Stories
Three Proverb Stories — Kitty’s Class Day, Aunt Kipp, Psyche’s Art
Under the Lilacs
Work: A Story of Experience
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
An Old Town by the Sea
The Ballad of Baby Bell, and other poems
Cloth of Gold, and other poems
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Daisy’s Necklace: and What Came of It
Flower and Thorn, later poems
Friar Jerome’s Beautiful Book
The Little Violinist
Marjorie Daw
Story of a Bad Boy
A Midnight Fantasy
Miss Mehetable’s Son
Our New Neighbors at Ponkapog
Poems of T.B. Aldrich
The Stillwater Tragedy
Two Bites at a Cherry, with other tales
Belloc, Hilaire
Cautionary Tales for Children (designed for the admonition of children between the ages of 8 and 14)
Browning, Robert
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Illustrated by Kate Greenaway [Warne])
Burnett, Francis Hodgson
The Secret Garden
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Apache Devil
Back to the Stone Age
Chessman of Mars
John carter of Mars
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Tales of Three Planets
Tarzan series
Cooper, James Fenimore
Afloat and Ashore
The Bravo
The Chainbearer
The Crater
The Deerslayer
The Headsman
The Heidenmauer
Home as Found
Homeward Bound
Jack Tier
The Last of the Mohicans
Lionel Lincoln
Mercedes of Castile
Miles Wallingford
The Monikins
The Oak Openings
The Path Finder
The Pioneers
The Pilot
The Prairie
The Red Rover
The Redskins
Satan’s Toe
The Sea Lions
The Two Admirals
The Water-Witch
The Ways of the Hour
The Wing and Wing
The Wept of Wish-ton-wish Wyandotte
Cowper, William
John Gilpin’s Ride (illustrated by Caldecott [Warne])
Dana, Richard Henry
Two Years Before the Mast
Defoe, Daniel
Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles
A Christmas Carol
Cricket on the Hearth
David Copperfield
Oliver Twist (These last two may be reserved for adolescents or reread)
Dodge, Mary Mapes
Hans Brinker
Garland, Hamlin
The Light of the Star
The Long Trail
Main-Traveled Roads
Prairie Folks
Son of the Middle Border
The Spirit of Sweetwater
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Tanglewood Tales
Henty, George Alfred
A hundred “Boys’ Books”
Irving, Washington
Sketch Book
James, Will (illustrated by James [Scribner’s])
Lone Cowboy
Book of Cowboys
Kingsley, Charles
Westward Ho
Kipling, Rudyard
Captains Courageous
Stalky and Co. (Illustrated by Miller)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
MacDonald, George
The Princess and Curdie
The Princess and the Goblin
Marryat, Frederick
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Masterman Ready
Masefield, John
Jim Davis
Pyle, Howard
Robin Hood (illustrated by Pyle [Dover])
Otto of the Silver Hand
Sewell, Anna
Black Beauty
Comedy of Errors
Spyri, Johanna
Stevenson, Robert Louis (illustrated by N.C. Wyeth)
Across the Plains
From Clyde to Sandy Hook
The Silverado Squatters
Treasure Island
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Stratton-Porter, Gene
At the Foot of the Rainbow
A Daughter of the Land
A Girl of the Limberlost
The Harvester
Her Father’s Daughter
The Magic Garden
Michael O’Halloran
Tarkington, Booth
Penrod, and others in the series
Til Eulenspiegel translated by Mackenzie
Twain, Mark
Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
The Prince and the Pauper – but not Connecticut Yankee and later novels
Verne, Jules
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
800 Leagues on the Amazon
Around the World in 80 Days
Caesar Cascabel
From the Earth to the Moon
Hector Servadac
Journey into the Interior of the Earth
The Lighthouse at the End of the World
Mysterious Island
On the Track
Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Little House in the Big Woods
Little House on the Prairie
Farmer Boy
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
Wister, Owen
Indispensable Information for Infants
Wyss, Johann
Swiss Family Robinson
Willis the Pilot
ADOLESCENCE (Ages 12 – 16)
Andersen, Hans Christian
Pictures of Travel in Sweden, Among the Hartz Mountains, and in Switzerland
Brontë, Charlotte
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
Collins, Wilkie
After Dark, and others
Dampier, William
A Voyage Round the World
Daudet, Alphonse
Fromont Jeune
Dickens, Charles
Barnaby Rudge
Nicholas Nickleby
The Old Curiosity Shop
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
The Lost World
Sherlock Holmes (series)
White Company
Dumas, Alexandre
The Black Tulip
Three Musketeers
Twenty Years After
The Whites and the Blues
Du Maurier, George
George Trilby
Eliot, George
Adam Bede
Mill on the Floss
Silas Marner
Eggleston, Edward
Brant and Red Jacket
The Circuit Rider
The Graysons
The Hossier School-Boy
The Hossier Schoolmaster
Fabre, Henri
selections from Souvenirs Entymologiques
Gray, Zane
The Call of the Cnayon
Desert Gold
The Desert of Wheat
Fighting Caravans
The Last of the Plainsmen
The Last Trail
Riders of the Purple Sage
Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
Allan and the Holy Flower
Allan’s Wife, and Other Tales
Allan Quatermain
Child of the Storm
Colonel Quartich, V.C.
Dr. Therne
Joan Haste
King Solomon’s Mines
Montezuma’s Daughter
The People of the Mist
Treasure of the Lake
Hughes, Thomas
Tom Brown’s School Days
Tom Brown at Oxford
Hugo, Victor
Les Miserables
Hundback of Notre Dame
Ibanez, Blasco
Blood and Sand
Four Hourseman of the Apocalypse
Irving, Washington
The Alhambra
Kingsley, Charles
Hereward, the Wake
Le Sage, Alain
Gil Blas
MacDonald, George
Park, Mungo
Travels in Africa
Parkman, Francis
Oregon Trail
Poe, Edgar Allen
Tales and Poems
Polo, Marco
Reade, Charles
The Cloister and the Hearth
Rhodes, Eugene
Best Novels, and Stories (edited by Dobie)
Scott, Sir Walter
Rob Roy
The Talisman
Shakespeare, William
Merchant of Venice
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Romeo and Juliet
Shelley, Mary
Sienkiewicz, Henryk
With Fire and Sword
Quo Vadis
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Master of Ballantrae
Prince Otto
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Swift, Jonathan
Gulliver’s Travels
Wallace, Edgar
Sanders of the River
Again Sanders
Bones (Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders’ Country)
Bosambo of the River
Diana of Kara-Kara
The Double
Four Just Men
The Girl from Scotland Yard
The Man Who Knew
The People of the River
The Sinister Man
Wells, H.G.
The First Men in the Moon
The Food of the gods
In the Days of the Comet
The Invisible Man
The Island of Dr. Moreau
The Time Machine
The War of the Worlds
Wister, Owen
The Dragon of Wantley
The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories
Lady Baltimore
Lin McLean
Members of the Family
The Virginian
Youth (ages 16-20)
Andersen, Hans Chistian
The Fairy Tale of My Life: An Autobiography
Austen, Jane
Lady Susan
Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
The Watsons
Balzac, Honoré de
The Cabinet of Antiquities
Père Goriot
Ursule Mirouët
Other Stories
Bellamy, Edward
The Blindman’s World and Other Stories
The Duke of Stockbridge
Looking Backward
Equality (A Sequel to Looking Backward)
Belloc, Hilaire
The Cruise of the “Nona” – and many others
Bernanos, Georges
Diary of a Country Priest
A Diary of my Times
The Fearless Heart
Last Essays
Blackmore, Richard Dodridge
Cripps, The Carrier
Lorna Doone
A Tale of the South Downs
Borrows, George
The Bible in Spain
Romany Rye (a sequel to Lavengro)
Brontë, Charlotte
Jane Eyre
Buchanan, John
A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys (A Collection of Stories)
Castle Gay
The Courts of the Morning
The Free Fishers
The Gap in the Curtain
The House of the Four Winds
Jon MacNab
A Lodge in the Wildnerness
Mr. Standfast
The Three Hostages
The Thirty-Nine Steps
Butler, Samuel
The Way of All Flesh
Cabell, James Branch
The Silver Stallion
Cable, George Washington
The Cavalier
Old Creole Days
Kincaid’s Battery
Cather, Willa
Death Comes for the Archbishop
My Antonia
Shadows on the Rock
Chekhov, Anton
Stories and Plays
Chesterton, G.K.
Everlasting Man
Father Brown Series
A Man Called Thursday
Columbus, Christopher
Four Voyages to the New World
Conrad, Joseph
Almayer’s Folly
An Outcast of the Islands
The Arrow of Gold
Lord Jim
The Rescue
A Set of Six
Twixt Land and Sea
Cook, James
Captain Hook’s Explorations
DeMaupassant, Guy
Dickens, Charles
Bleak House
Martin Chuzzlewit
Our Mutual Friend
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Doughty, Charles
Travels in Arabian Deserts
Fielding, Henry
Jonathan Wilde
Tom Jones
Hakluyt, Richard
Voyages to the New World
Hawkins, Anthony Hope
Captain Dieppe
A Change of Air
Double Harness
Half a Hero
The King’s Mirror
A Man of Mark
The Prisoner of Zenda
Rupert of Hentzau
Simon Dale
The Secret of the Tower
Tristram of Blent
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The House of Seven Gables
The Scarlet Letter – and others
Hudson, W.H.
Green Mansions
The Purple Land
Irving, Washington
Conquest of Granada
Life of Columbus
Life of George Washington
Jackson, Helen Hunt
Lagelof, Selma
Gösta Berling
Loti, Pierre (Louis Marie Julien Viaud)
An Iceland Fisherman
India (Without the English)
On Life’s By-Ways
Manzonoi, Alessando
The Betrothed
Melville, Herman
Billy Budd
Moby Dick
Moore, Tom
Lalla Rookh
Morris, William
News from Nowhere
The Roots of the Mountains
Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
Scott, Robert
Scott’s Last Expedition
Shakespeare, William
As You Like It
Henry IV
Henry V
The Sonnets
The Taming of the Shrew
Twelfth Night
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton
How I Found Livingston
The Abbess of Castro and Other Tales
The Charterhouse of Parma
Lucien Lewen
Italian Chronicles
Memories of a Tourist
The Red and the Black
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Adventures of Philip
Denis Duval
Eastern Sketches
Henry Esmond
The Four Georges
The History of Pendennis
The Irish Sketchbook
Lovel the Widower
Memories of Barry Lyndon
The Newcomes
The Paris Sketchbook
Roundabout Papers
The Second Funeral of Napolean
Sketches and Travels in London
Vanity Fair
The Virginians
Tolstoy, Leo
Anna Karenina
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
The Cossacks
The Death of Ivan Ilyitch and Other Stories
Fables for children
The Kruetzer Sonata
Master and Man
My Confession
My Religion
Tales of Sevastopol
War and Peace
What Is to Be Done?
Trollope, Anthony
Barchester (series)
Turgenev, Ivan
The Brigadier and Other Stories
Dream Tales and Prose Poems
Fathers and Sons
A Hunter’s Sketches
Knock, Knock, Knock, and Other Stories
A Month in the Country
A Nest of Gentlefolk
Spring Torrents
Undset, Sigrid
The Burning Bush
Catherine of Siena
The Faithful Wife
Gunnar’s Daughter
Ida Elisabeth
Kristin Lavransdatter
The Master of Hestviken
Saga of Saints
The Wild Orchid
Verga, Giovanni
Cavalleria Rusticana and Other Stories
The House by the Medlar Tree (translated by D.H. Lawrence)
Little Novels of Sicily*
Washington, Booker T.
Up From Slavery
La Fin.
John Senior, Frank Nelick, and Dennis Quinn were my professors in college. It was time of wonder, learning and love of learning. No other college courses were like theirs. May they rest in peace. 🙏